Make learning from home a snap with these handy tips

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Switching from in-class learning to online learning can take a toll on anyone, especially in a global pandemic. Stress is high and we understand that staying motivated to learn and study can be hard. Even with the most engaging material and with the best instructors students are struggling right now.

If you find yourself falling behind on school work and lacking the motivation to get out of bed to attend an 8 am class, or if you feel like you’re drowning in assignments, you’re not alone! We’ve compiled a few handy tips to help you establish a routine for online learning and help to get your brain in the best place possible for studying and absorbing knowledge.

Eliminate distractions

Okay so this is HUGE! Did you know that on average, a person checks their phone 160 times a day. A HUNDRED AND SIXTY TIMES A DAY! That’s crazy and means that on-average you reach for your phone every six minutes. Eliminate this distraction by switching off your phone and placing it far away until you complete your task. Yes, you may not be the first person to like your best friend’s new Instagram post, but trust us, it’s worth it. Getting in a rhythm and getting things done feels great. and when you’re done, you can spend an hour flipping through social media without feeling even the slightest bit of guilt.

Get dressed

Your morning routine is vital to how your day turns out. Research shows that people perform better when they are dressed for the work they are doing. Basically, this may sound silly, but working in your pajamas can lead to less productivity. Everyone loves pajamas, they are warm and comfortable. However, try starting your morning by brushing your teeth, making breakfast, and getting dressed in clothes you didn’t sleep in.

Upgrade your organization

With everything online, it’s easy to forget upcoming activities. Customize your online calendar and set reminders a few days before due dates or activities. If you’re old-school and an online  calendar isn’t your thing, then daily planners also get the job well done.

Clean up

We aren’t here to sound like your mom, but a clean space really is a happy space. It’s ideal for studying. Make your bed in the morning, clean your desk area to stay organized, and just try and maintain a  clutter-free zone. This cultivates a positive and welcoming study space, which elevates your mood and helps keep your mind focused on what’s important.

Take breaks

Studying for long periods without rest will result in a loss of focus and content retention. It is most common during the midterm season or when you fall behind on school work. These focusing tips include giving yourself short breaks in between study sessions. Stretch your legs, make a cup of tea or coffee, or relax for a solid 10 minutes while listening to your favourite song. This allows more oxygen to reach your brain, rejuvenating your mind, and makes you twice as productive.

Treat yo’self

Studying can be monotonous. A great way to get motivated is to start with tasks or assignments that are challenging. Once completed, then you reward yourself for your accomplishment. For example, reward yourself by buying your favourite pie, making a lavish dinner, or watching your favourite show. This boosts confidence levels, so you can get more done!

It’s time to change your life. It’s time for an education from CBBC Career College. 

If you’re ready to tackle a new program or challenge and come out of the pandemic stronger and ready to land the job of your dreams, you’ve come to the right place! To learn more about how an education from CBBC Career College can change your life,  and to connect with us, visit us here!

What Our Graduates Are Saying

I think the thing that has stood out to me the most in the program is how much the teachers care about your success and how they work hard to create a positive environment to learn in. It’s really amazing! They really encourage all the students to celebrate each other’s successes and help each other out. I really struggled with the decision of which school to attend, and I know that I made the right choice.
Monique Ryan
Cosmetology Program Program