Early Childhood Education Myths vs. Fact

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Do you love children, pride yourself on your ability to think on your feet, and want to work in an active and dynamic workplace? If so then our Early Childhood Education (ECE) program may be for you!

Early Childhood Educators work with children in their ‘early years’ generally between six weeks and twelve years old. It is their job and responsibility to help kids develop and learn. ECEs support their emotional, cognitive, social, and physical needs while teaching them to develop skills that will last a lifetime.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of myths and misconceptions about working in this field. We wanted to break them down and provide answers to any questions you may have. If you’re considering an education as an ECE, keep reading!

Myth: It’s hard to get an ECE job.

Fact: This simply isn’t true. During the pandemic, daycares were closed and many ECEs were laid off, but centres are open again and business is booming. Currently, there is a larger than usual need for ECE substitutes, as regular staff must stay home if experiencing symptoms of COVID-19.

The multi-year rollout of the provincial government’s ‘pre-primary program’ also wrapped up in the fall of 2020. This program provided universal, free education to pre-primary school-aged children. It employs 850 ECEs, increasing overall demand. The program’s creation resulted in openings in the private sector as well, as some daycare employees moved to the public pre-primary program.

To put it bluntly: there are jobs available. Lots of jobs.

Myth: I will only get paid the wage floor at $17 an hour

Fact: The government is currently revising the wage for early childhood educators. They are looking at not only taking into consideration an ECE’s education but their experience as well when considering their pay!

Myth: ECEs can only work in daycares.

Fact: There are a few options as to where you will be able to work

  • Private daycare centers
  • Not for profit daycare centers
  • in pre-primary care within the school system
  • Open your own daycare (calling all entrepreneurs!)

Myth: “I only want to receive a level 1 so I can  start working in the field right away.”

By the end of 2023, Level 1’s will be considered Early Childhood Assistants. So, even if you are considered an ECE now with a level 1, you will only be considered an ECA when the change takes place.

Myth: There is no difference between levels 1, 2, and 3 except for wages

The difference is in the education that you receive about early childhood education and child development:

  • Level 1 has only a few specific courses, but no credentials
  • Level 2 has a diploma in ECE
  • Level 3 has a degree in ECE/Child and Youth Studies OR a bachelor’s degree and a diploma in ECE

So what are you waiting for?

If there was ever the perfect time to start a new career, this is IT! Be on your way to building a new career in only 48 weeks! Not just a job, but a career where you can build something important and help to shape the lives and minds of the next generation.

We would love to chat with you more about our exciting and dynamic Early Childhood Education program. To learn more and to connect with us, visit the program web page here. We look forward to chatting with you more about this exciting program (and your new career opportunities!).

What Our Graduates Are Saying

[The students] have been absolutely amazing, and taking initiative with the care and their education (they have jumped in with confidence). They all have been extremely professional, and have built fantastic rapport with the residents and the staff, and if I had a spot for them I would hire them in a heartbeat.
Joanna Johnson